Rise like a phoenix after walking The Blue Rose Way.

The Blue Rose Way Retreat

Are you intuitive or empathic?

Would you like to learn how to play with the new energies on earth for your highest good?

Come join The Blue Rose Way Retreat. I am so excited to offer you these 4 days of learning, healing, and self-empowerment. I am passionate about what I do and I want to share all that has helped me, and my clients, in profound ways! This will be a time of making new friends and learning how to become your own best friend.

If you are new to working with energy, or a seasoned professional come learn how to work with the new energies that have just become available to us now on planet earth. We will be walking The Blue Rose Way. A way to heal every part of your being and raise your vibrational frequency by way of quantum biology. This is cutting edge healing that empowers you and gives you the tools to heal to take care of yourself and your family, if they allow it, forever. Can you say ”No more doctor bills?” That is unless you get injured in an accident. The Blue Rose Way also covers tools you can use now, to assist you in raising your vibrational frequency while you are healing.

The tools of The Blue Rose Way are:

How to use Epigenetics and Quantum Biology to talk to your DNA, your innate-smart-body, to clear karma, cords, and strongholds that are holding you back.

The How’s and Why’s of emotions, clearing the emotions we have stuffed, sometimes for lifetimes, and how to feel emotions in the highest possible way, for our highest good.

⌘ Reiki I and II practitioner training and certification

⌘ Empath training 

⌘ How to work with the 12 color rays

⌘ Crystal Healing

⌘ Essential oils and Herbs

⌘ Creativity in Art

⌘ Reconnecting with Nature

The 12 Chakra System covering:
1. All 12 major chakras and their functions.
2. The functions of the front and back sides of the chakras.
3. How to use this system to do shadow work, the digging necessary to heal from your past.

1. Grounding.
2. Connecting with your higher self and your guides.
3. Learn ways to trust yourself and your intuition by escaping the matrix.

Register now space is limited.

Click here for further details!


Note: Any donation is appreciated! Thank you!
